Meet YOUR AI at SatShow 2025 in Washington, D.C. from March 10-13 Secure your seat

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Ready to meet your AI?

Join us at this year's SatShow in Washington to experience our latest innovation for satellite communication - the next chapter of G&S SatConnect® AI - firsthand!

Meet us at SatShow25

A new era for SatCom

Revolutionize Your Satellite Network Management with our new AI Assistant! Unveil real-time insights, optimize network health, and elevate your KPIs. Click to empower your satellite operations with AI!

Learn more

Leading the way to a brighter future

We offer tailored solutions for service providers and network operators in the satellite industry. Our products help streamline your workflows and increase your efficiency. With our cutting-edge products such as G&S SatConnect® AI - you have full control over your communication infrastructure.


Features to master your business challenges

screenshot from the satconnect software shows the monitoring function

Situation-aware monitoring

Visualize your network information exactly the way you need. Receive live updates of flights and vessels via map views. Correlate contextual data like weather information with your terminals status or choose from pre-configured map overlays, such as beam footprint.

More about Monitoring

screenshot from the Satconnect software shows the reporting and analystics function

Reporting & Analytics

Get detailed network efficiency reports with in-depth data visualizations of terminal status, locations, network status, service quality, traffic utilization, and more. Create your own dashboard views and benefit from unique analytics for actionable insights.

More about Reporting

screenshot from the Satconnect software shows the alarm management function

Alarm Management

Stay ahead of potential issues with real-time alerts for prompt action and to avoid costly downtime. Improve efficiency with automatic alarms for key metrics and minimize manual monitoring. Get instant notifications of important events such as flight changes or anomalies, delivered straight to your device.

More about Alarm Management

Meet the one-stop solution to manage your network(s)

Discover G&S SatConnect®

G&S SatConnect® Business process automation & orchestration: We handle everything around your core business - your network - from automated provisioning and billing to the entire terminal lifecycle management.

Business Process Automation

From automated provisioning, over subscription building to billing automation. We speed up your processes.

More about Automation

G&S SatConnect® Product & Service Management: Monetize your service! Extensive up-selling opportunities, integrated right into your existing platform. We take your product management to the next level.

Product Management

Monetize your service! Streamline your product management process with powerful tools and minimal configuration efforts.

More about Product Management

G&S SatConnect® Billing Automation: Exchange terminal information with your billing software to create an end-to-end independent billing process

Automated Billing

Simplify your entire billing process by automatically sending terminal’s information

More about Billing

Trusted by the industry

Logo SES: SES is a partner of G&S SatCom
Logo MBS: Media Broadcast Satellite is a partner of G&S SatCom
Logo ST iDirect Engineering: ST iDirect Engineering is a partner of G&S SatCom

Ready when you are

To request a demo, simply get in touch with us by following the button below and our experienced sales team will be in touch with you shortly. You can also contact us via phone +49 54 06 500 40 - 4 or email

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SATELLITE 2025 in Washington, DC

We're thrilled to announce our participation in #SatShow2025, and we warmly invite you to visit our booth, #1219, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC, from March 11–13, 2025.

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Press Release: G&S SatCom Unveils AI-Powered Satellite Network Assistant at Satellite Conference 2024

Press Release: G&S SatCom Unveils AI-Powered Satellite Network Assistant at Satellite Conference 2024

G&S SatCom, a leader in satellite communication solutions, is proud to announce the introduction of two groundbreaking advancements at the Satellite conference in Washington, DC. From March 18 to 21, attendees will have the opportunity to witness firsthand the unveiling of the AI Assistant for G&S SatConnect® and the highly anticipated mobile version of G&S SatConnect®.

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